Knowing how to prepare and strengthen your skin is the most effective way of managing and preventing future rosacea flares (see more FAQs). But for skin as sensitive and ‘angry'(irritable) as skin with Rosacea, it is generally best to start slow, and expose your skin gradually to our @PVO’s effective healing formulas for long-term results. 

This simple yet effective ‘skin training protocol’ enables your sensitive skin to increase its ability of self-defense by strengthening its protective barrier.  Here’s how you can gradually “train” your skin over the course of a few weeks with our SBR Rosacea treatment

The Two Important Checks

Puraveda Organics SBR formulas are made of concentrated and clinically proven active botanicals to provide results when it comes to taming, and then keeping your Rosacea under control. But before you start, it’s important to consider where you are in the Rosacea cycle (learn more) or how sensitive your skin is.  Rosacea is a chronic and progressive condition, so it’s important to stop it in its tracks before it can get worse, and then maintain treatment to keep it under control. 

SBR Rosacea Treatment Line Puraveda Organics rosacea skincare solutions rosacea natural formulas

We strongly recommend doing a 24 hour – prior patch test before using any of our SBR formulas. During this important 24 hour test, check for these two things: 

Category I Clients: A slight tingling sensation is perfectly normal. Unless you experience welts or serious itching, you are NOT having a negative reaction. Here, your skin is merely reacting to the active ingredients and with the proper protocol, SBR products will literally ‘train‘ your skin to not hyper-react in the future.  

Category II Clients: If you are in the midst of a flare or have one waiting in the wings, it is possible that even our extremely effective and gentle rosacea products (SBR) may cause stinging and/or increased redness on your first application. We have found over the years that about 99% of this type of reaction, properly managed is not an allergy, and WILL result in a **clearer, calmer skin with far less blemishes, redness and sensitivity.  

**We have many @PVO SBR clients with over 10 years of  Rosacea control (including the CEO’s husband for whom the initial product was developed..who only has a slight recurrence of  his Rosacea when he forgets to use it!) 

Note: How to Do a Patch Test?

Patch testing helps identify formulas that might irritate a person’s skin or cause an allergic reaction. We recommend the following test for patch testing a new product: 

  • Apply the product on a small patch of skin on the face or neck, where you are unlikely to accidentally rub it off or wash away. 
  • Leave the product on the skin as you would normally and wait for up to 24 hours.
  • If your skin reacts to the product, stop using it”. 

For those of you who belong Category I, you can continue using our products as recommended. 

For Category II clients, we strongly recommend to start with ‘product dilutions’ (explained below)

Start Slow – The Product Dilution Guide

For those belonging to the second group (advanced rosacea, middle of flares, other sensitive factors), the solution is to start slow and dilute the products (esp, the SBR Serum) to increasing strength as follows: 

  • First Week : 75% Water (Preferably distilled) : 25% product per application. 
  • Second Week : 50% Water (Preferably distilled) : 50% product per application. 

Also, use 1X p/day every other day and then progress from there as the redness issue stops being a problem.  

Once redness/ inflammation completely subsides and your skin feels healthier, continue as recommended for Pitta Dosha (2X daily – full strength). The regimen manages rosacea for a lifetime. 

New customers are generally unaware of this phenomenon. However, those who have contacted us or read detailed usage guidelines, we have walked hundreds of clients through this process, with most of them being loyal users ever since!  We will still honor our money back guarantee regardless of how much of the products you’ve used.. we are that sure of how effective this product line is!  WE GUARANTEE THIS PRODUCT LINE UNCONDITIONALLY!