Skincare for sensitive skin can be a  bit tricky. Deviate even a little from your normal routine..and this can potentially trigger a lengthy process of recovery and restoration! This is why it’s vital, from cleansing to moisturizing, to use clinically approved Pitta products to keep your skin free from repeated flares or inflammation. 

Aside from using the correct ingredient combinations/products for your sensitive skin, it’s also important to understand how your skin reacts to to the differing levels and conditions of your type of skin sensitivity. 

And so, here is our guide to the different sensitive skin types and, along with natural treatments for your diagnosed condition:

Different Types of Sensitive Skin

Sensitive Skin = More Reactive Skin

Skin that has a lower tolerance to certain skincare/cosmetic ingredient(s) and is prone to symptoms of inflammation (such as redness, irritation, and itching) is called sensitive skin. In Ayurveda, this group of people are considered to have a Pitta Dosha (Meaning- ‘On Fire’, which is of course indicative of Inflammation). When aggravated, this type of  skin is often  literally warm to the touch! Note that sensitive skin is neither too oily nor too dry. It usually has a soft luster, with medium-sized pores. 

The reason for this dosha imbalance can be genetics, or certain underlying disease conditions, which can be identified by your dermatologist in order you rule out if you have the following sensitive skin conditions of concern

  1. Rosacea: This is a long-term/chronic inflammatory condition that makes your skin look flushed or red. Spider veins or red bumps may also be visible. 
  2. Psoriasis: An autoimmune skin condition characterized by thick areas of discolored skin and scaling. 
  3. Eczema: Skin with a weakened barrier function may lead to dryness, itchiness, and formation of bumps. Eczema can be of several types including atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis. This condition often experiences flares or exacerbation when exposed to certain allergens or irritants. 

Skincare Regimen for Sensitive Skin

Whether you have rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, or just ‘normal’ sensitive skin, our Pitta Dosha-targeted SBR Regimen will work for you. This regimen is aimed at  cleansing your skin of toxins and microbes, and replacing them with nourishing, healing plant bioactives. 

Being natural and clinically formulated, the SBR regimen improves barrier function. It also eliminates the underlying cause of redness (in the case of rosacea, it controls the population of Demodex miteslearn why this is important) and inflammation. The regimen should be used 2X times daily (AM & PM), accompanied with a weekly exfoliation treatment. 

The four key products in this line are: SBR Cleanser, SBR Hydrator/Toner, SBR Serum, and SBR Papaya & Honey Facial Mask

For enhanced results, always use the above basics with SunProtect SPF 30+ and BioScience Peptide Complex

The detailed instructions on how to use Puraveda Organics SBR Regimen is provided here

Certain Precautions with SBR Treatment

SBR is a therapeutic-grade treatment with proven results – but without the risk of side effects. It is worth mentioning that you can actually learn how to ‘TRAIN Your Skin’ to make this treatment work for you, both in the short and long term.  

If you are in the middle of a flare, it is possible that even the extremely gentle and effective SBR Regimen may cause redness and irritation. For these users it’s important  to start with product dilutions (note that in 99% patients, this type of reaction resolves, if properly managed). We always recommend a patch test and dilute as directed if signs of redness or irritation appear, when this abates, you can  continue using our products as recommended. 

To learn how to start with PRODUCT DILUTIONS – read here.  

When fine-tuned to your personalized needs, SBR treatment with Puraveda Organics gives you results in 14-28 days. Surprisingly, calmer and softer skin can be evidently noticed on the very first day! 

Since sensitive skin is a more or less permanant part of your life, we recommend  you continue using our products for life long results. 

Read Next: FAQs on Rosacea.