Many of us tend to overlook bodycare. But in reality, this is an important step in your skincare regimen to avoid long-term sun damage, dryness, and the appearance of fine…
Depending on your location, the frequently changing and often unsparing temperatures, coupled with low humidity, Vata season (Fall/Autumn) can make your skin feel like sandpaper in the upcoming months. Aside…
For healthy, beautiful skin, consistency and minimalism is the key to success. However, as your biological clock ticks, your skin may start demanding something more powerful and perhaps more efficient…
Have you ever wondered? If it's Adult “Acne”, or is it the Acne-like “Rosacea”? We ask as we can't help but notice that some of our clients have a difficult…
The optimal pH barrier of your skin is between 4.7 and 5.75. A pH of 7 (distilled water) is considered neutral. Anything below that is acidic and above is alkaline,…