By Mikkel Støeve, Esthetician, Denmark
Although Rosacea is a very common condition, it is often misunderstood and treated incorrectly. If you don’t utilize the right treatment, (particularly important when an inherently inflammatory condition such as rosacea is present), your skin will unfortunately only get worse over time with increasingly with problematic symptoms such as rosacea acne flares, skin redness, irritation, bumpy texture, larger pores and extreme sensitivity. Building a solid skin care regimen is an essential part of Rosacea treatment for relief of these issues and halting the worsening progression of them.
For rosacea sufferers, it isn’t easy to find a product line that their skin will respond to positively. If you’re worried about trying (yet another) new rosacea oriented skin care line, the simplest way is to thoroughly vet reviews from real life rosacea survivors in order to learn from their experience.
This interview is from our Wholesale esthetician customer Mikkel Støeve with his (read his Exclusive Interview) client Ms. Leila Breüner Serwin – a real life rosacea suffer who is 54 years old who is suffering with inflammatory rosacea. With Mikkel’s experience, she used Puraveda Organics’ SBR (Sensitive/Blemished/Rosacea) Regimen for over a month prior to this interview and is thrilled with her results. See what she has to say about her experience:
#1 What were your skin concerns?
I have Rosacea and diabetes. My skin had a lot of redness and a tendency to pimples.
#2 How often did your skin become red and irritated?
My skin was red and irritated every day.
#3 Have you experienced any allergic reactions to skin care products/ingredients before?
Yes. I have developed an allergy to certain wood pollens(Pine, beech, juniper, birch) and use allergy medicines for that.
#4 Which Puraveda Organics products you were recommended for your skin condition?
Mikkel recommended the SBR Cleanser, Hydrator, Serum and Papaya & Honey Facial Mask.

#5 Did you hesitate trying this new brand?
I did not hesitate. I started the first day I got my hands on the new products. I have a great deal of confidence in Mikkel and had no doubt regarding his recommendation.
#6 What’s your current skin routine?
I Cleanse, hydrate and moisturize two times daily and exfoliate twice weekly.
#7 How did the first application feel like?
There was a great change to my skin the very first day. It felt much more hydrated and smooth. However, my skin was a bit more red the first week.
#8 When did you actually started to feel the difference?
After a week of use the redness got a lot better, and my skin became more soft.

#9 Was the product able to give some immediate relief?
They have helped me a lot. They work fast and now I cannot imagine other products nor another routine.
#10 Have you experienced any skin troubles/ rosacea outbreaks ever since you started using PVO products?
No, and I wound not dare stop using them now!

Treatment of rosacea can depend on the severity of the case. Our SBR Regimen contains all natural organic, and wild-gathered ingredients that eliminate the underlying cause of redness and irritation. Since it’s 100% natural and clinically proven, Puraveda Organics SBR Regimen can be safely used to ‘treat’, ‘maintain’ and ‘limit’ the symptoms of Rosacea patients. For product compatibility check, you can take the Puraveda Organics Dosha Quiz.