Understanding what makes a good sunscreen is important when it comes to fulfilling our #cleanbeauty objectives. Most OTC (Over the Counter) sunscreens have synthetic chemicals that are now proven beyond reasonable doubt to be in fact toxins, which impact health and cause environmental contamination. Since sunscreens should be a staple the-year round, and are globally utilized in large quantities, it’s important to use due diligence when it comes to what we are using on our skin and exposing our environment to.  

Nature has always blessed us with safer and more effective alternatives. So for those of you who are looking for a “Clean Sunscreen” solution, here are the 5 most important things to look for:  

1. It’s all in the Labels

In a study of over 1700 sunscreens, the EWG (Environmental Working Group…A DC based group considered to the source for safe ingredients) found out that more than 3 out of 4 of these formulas are not only inadequate in providing effective sun protection(!), but are also not yet established as safe and effective. The key sunscreen chemicals used in them are : PABA, oxybenzone, octinoxate, avobenzone, and the like, which are all known as serious hormone disruptors and these not only unsafe for humans, but also marine life.  These very same ingredients are responsible for the massive worldwide death of our  environmentally sensitive coral reefs worldwide, by a phenomenon known as ‘bleaching’

The good news is that only two ingredients for UV blocking are completely safe and effective, approved by both FDA and EWG for providing up to 98% sun protection. 

These are –  Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide

2. Zinc Oxide – A 100% Clean Sunscreen Active Ingredient

Zinc oxide is an inorganic earth mineral, naturally derived from ‘Zincite’. These physical sun blockers work as a “mineral filter” to reflect the incoming UVA, UVB, and UVC rays away from your skin. Being natural, Zinc Oxide also has the added benefits of improving skin firmness and improving complexion. 

The sun’s rays can cause both superficial and deep skin damage-  

  • UVA – causes wrinkles, 
  • UVB – responsible primarily for sunburn, and 
  • UVC – DNA damage. 

All of these Uvs  are considered to be causative for skin cancer. Thus, instead of  using different types of protection for different types of UV rays, a “Broad Spectrum Sunscreen” provides barrier protection against all the three UV rays.  Zinc Oxide does this! 

However, there is also a caveat to formulas labeled with – ‘Zinc Oxide’ as the key active ingredient. Read more here

3. Micronized or Nano-Particulated?

No doubt, Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide are good for the planet as well as for providing the maximum “broad spectrum sun protection”. But it is important to assure that these minerals are used in their “micronized” (or non-nano) form. This means that the Zinc Oxide (or Titanium dioxide) particles should be between 0.1 to 100 microns. 

Sunscreen with Nano / “invisible zinc” /  “clear” particles not only provide no cover against UVA and blue light, but they are also toxic to human health (as they can penetrate the skin/ blood barrier) and also pollute the environment. (Here’s more on why you should use “Micronized Zinc Oxide in your Sunscreen” (and say NO to nanosized/ nanoparticles). In fact, ZinClear has been banned in almost all developed nations, except here in the USA. 

4. Benefits of EWG Complaint

The Environmental Working Group (EWG), as mentioned above, is a non profit organization that pledges strict and scientific standards in sunscreen formulas. EWG approved sunscreens products are scrutinized by toxicologists and chemists that empowers you to purchase safer sunscreens. 

Our SunProtect SPF 30+ is strictly compliant to the standards of EWG. 

5. Being Reef Safe

The loss of coral reefs may not seem a big deal, but it has far-reaching implications. These extremely sensitive coral polyps, besides being incredibly beautiful, are also food and home to thousands of other marine animals. Studies have found that the toxic chemicals used in sunscreens can also end up causing birth defects in marine animals. 

Thus, using reef-safe / reef-friendly sunscreen has become more than just a responsibility. Prioritizing organic ingredients and NO toxic chemicals, whatsoever, our SunProtect SPF 30+ is a 100% Reef Safe Sunscreen. 

Summing up, a good sunscreen should have these key features: Being reef-friendly, broad spectrum, water-resistant, child-safe, organic, natural, made with Zinc Oxide Micronized/non-nano particles), and with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30+. 

Read Next: Chemical Sunscreen Ban: What You Need To Know.